Proposed Sessions
The majority of content at Drupalcamp Ghent 2014 is made up of sessions proposed by the attendees. In previous years, we’ve had sessions about everything from designing for content management systems to the intricate details of Drupal’s Headless Entity Metadata Wrapper Semantic Field Query.
You are encouraged to propose a session as well.
Annotated plugins, and other D8-style techniques in Drupal 7
Drupal 7 is no longer an excuse to write old-fashioned PHP.
I am going to describe a number of techniques that allow a module developer to apply the best practices from Drupal 8 and modern PHP to a Drupal 7 module.
The session will cover most or all of these topics, depending how much time is left:
Organize your code in classes with PSR-4, using xautoload.
Use a one-off dependency injection container, good enough for a single module.
A preview on the d8plugin module, which allows D8-style plugins in Drupal 7, using annotations. E.g. formatters and text filters can be created as plugins, instead of using procedural hooks.
I hope that this module will be ready to use on the day of the Drupal camp.
A brief look at Composer manager for external dependencies.
Unit-test many of your components with PHPUnit, totally bypassing or mocking out Drupal.
Note: This is the first time I am giving this session, and I have not prepared anything yet. It covers at least one topic that depends on ongoing development. We will see how it goes.
Session Track:
Code and Development
Experience level:
Automated Drupal deployments with Atlassian Bamboo
This session will be a case study of how we've automated our Drupal deployment (and testing) process using Atlassian's tool Bamboo. I will briefly explain the setup and then show a few live cases.
Karel Bemelmans
Session Track:
Experience level:
One year after Drupalcamp Leuven, our CultureFeed 3 module suite is becoming more and more a first-class citizen. We worked hard to reduce the bugs, adding some customization and spent the most of our time on building a responsive theme, based on Bootstrap. Basically it's still a suite for building an event site based on events gathered in an external backoffice "outdatabase" (UiTdatabank), but with the extra tools you can do a lot more. Come and see our new mobile first project, the applications we or other Belgian drupalshops build last year and even more what CultureFeed Kickstart (or in general a Drupal install profile) can do for you. We might reveal some of our Drupal 8 plans as well.
Session Track:
Business and Strategy
Experience level:
Distributed menu management from single subsites to large scale extranet applications using OG Menu
Starting with a brief introduction about what Organic Groups are and what OG Menu does, we'll dive deeper into the functionality of the OG Menu module, showcasing how it can be used to set up anything from single subsites to large scale extranet applications.
This session will focus on some fictitious use-cases highlighting the flexibility in configuration. In closing a summary of the latest developments, module roadmap, D8 plans and Q&A.
Session Track:
Experience level:
Do Drupal 8 - from your 1st basic page, all the way up to your own content strategy
Do Drupal 8 - workshop
You like to start using Drupal?
But have little or none hands-on experience?
Enter this hands-on workshop to:
start doing a first basic page in Drupal 8, the next version to be released.
After actually add your first image to a Drupal 8 web site,
you are invited to start using views.
What is views? Views can be looked upon as the tool to get data out of your database and present in on your website. That is attractive as you will be able to present the content which might enlighten the vistors of your site. If you define and follow an effective content strategy, search engines might rank you high. And you will be able to have your visitors buy your products, share your ideas, join your club, etc., etc., or whatever may be the reason that you want to have a web site.
(The workshop is originally constructed for the
It is to be considerated if it is possible to start a drupal 8 web site in the cloud - this has to be discussed and is due to factors as wifi availibilty, and cooperation of partners)
roel guldemond
Session Track:
Experience level:
Drupal 8 - Frontend Automated Testing
Actually testing is as important as development because we all want to write code that works. So, why not also test our front-end code?
To do that we can use some tools as Selenium, Jasmine but I will explain QUnit because it's used in Drupal8 testing.
QUnit is a powerful, easy-to-use JavaScript unit testing framework. It's used by the jQuery, jQuery UI, jQuery Mobile projects, also by Drupal, and is capable of testing any generic JavaScript code.
Session Track:
Frontend & Design
Experience level:
Lists and all that: a brief introduction to Views
So you've just installed the Drupal base package and you've just started out exploring. You've created a few content items and the odd block? Great! You've probably noticed that Drupal doesn't do much out of the box. So, what's next the next stop? Creating lists of content of course! That's where the Views module comes into play. In this session, you'll get a soft introduction to the Views module by practical example. We'll cover these topics:
Installing the Views module
Creating your first view
A tour of the Views user interface
Views pages and blocks
Managing fields and filters
Filters as exposed forms
Changing Views styles (tables, grids, lists)
Passing URL arguments
An overview of what's next
This session is geared towards the absolute beginner.
Session Track:
Code and Development
Experience level:
MediaMosa: the Drupal Digital Asset Management System
MediaMosa: the Drupal Digital Asset Management System
This talk will show the functionality and use cases of MediaMosa, a Digital Asset Management System built with Drupal. I will highlight the way it was built on Drupal 7, and how we're moving forward to Drupal 8. I will show how MediaMosa is used together with Drupal to build solutions for Flemish cultural heritage institutions like Digipolis and VIAA.
MediaMosa is software to build a Full Featured, Webservice Oriented Media Management and Distribution platform.
With MediaMosa you can build a state-of-the-art, scalable Middleware Media Distribution Platform which facilitates access to, and usage of (shared) storage capacity, metadata databases, transcoding- and streaming servers. A MediaMosa platform offers functionality for searching, playing, uploading, transcoding, as well as a fine granularity media access control system towards its users. MediaMosa is based on the Representational State Transfer (REST) architecture and is designed to support content streaming applications by providing a back-end-, audio- and video-infrastructure.
The main features of a MediaMosa platform are:
- Delivery platform for audio, video (and in fact any other content)
- Streaming of any format (e.g. Flash, H.264, MPEG-4)
- Transcoding based on FFmpeg
- Flexible Metadata Element Sets
- Access management functions on Media
- Enhanced Still functions
- Open Source under GPLv2 license
MediaMosa is a free and open software package. It is based on the Drupal CMS
and supports the use of several other Open Source software system such as FFmpeg.
Session Track:
Business and Strategy
Experience level:
Open Singularity, Education & Drupal
On friday 26th of september we've organised DrupalTrainingDay that is currently fully booked with 260 students and 10 teachers.
The feedback of track5 (teachers) at will be included. As well as our methods.
This presentation will inform and compare four open source educational distributions built in the Drupal 7 CMS.
Julio : targeted for schools, school districts, small colleges, and academic departments within universities.
OpenScholar : Thousands of easy maintainable and personal research sites, created by Harvard university. A single OpenScholar install hosts thousands of easy, self-service, custom websites. Features multiple domain names, dozens of built-in themes, drag-and-drop layout, best-practice presets and "apps" that solve virtually every use case.
OpenAcademy : Web publishing for higher education and university. A flexible, extendable package that lets university departments run fully functional, polished websites straight out of the box. Critical features are provided for handling courses, research publications and presentations, departmental news, faculty profiles, events and more.
ELMS Learning Network : A modular approach of educational distributions with specific tasks linked around a central Course Information System (CIS) by web services like :
Some key sattelites:
Massively Open Online Course (MOOC)
Collaborative learning environment (CLE)
Interactive Course Object Repository (ICOR)
ELMS media
Not only will this presentation help to integrate Open Source in the Educational landscape and facilitate educators to make informed discussions. Also the results of the of the workshop at the Community Summit at Drupalcon 2014 Amsterdam will be shared.
The bigger picture is to create a generic knowledge repository on how to utilize the Drupal Content Management Framework both in the curriculum by using it as a “testbed” for educational purposes and using the advanced CMS featureset it offers to publish and share knowledge between students, teachers and other stakeholders.
This knowledge repository will be formalized in the Drupal Onderwijs collaboration platform, which will include information on best practices, turnkey solutions for educational facilities and sharing information on how to use Drupal to empower your organization to offer optimal communication tools to your students and teachers.
Hope to see you all and that you have a great time.
Following this session there will be a BOF to bootstrap a trainingday in your local community.
Session Track:
Experience level:
Requirements gathering 101
One of the top reasons why projects fail is the requirements. Often requirements aren't clear or totally not described.
This session is about requirements gathering.
How can you - together with the client - clearly define the requirements for your project ?
Session Track:
Business and Strategy
Experience level:
The redesign of the OpenLayers module
Ten days ago I started working on the next version of OpenLayers using the version 3 of the JS library of the same name.
My session will explain how I did for building the new module, with code examples.
I will also invite people to help and contribute to the module.
More informations here:
Session Track:
Code and Development
Experience level:
Why use views?
Is there a magic formula to answer the question: "Should I use views to make this list?".
I don't really know but we asked ourselfs this question way back and came up with a couple simple rules when to use views and when not.
Session Track:
Code and Development
Experience level: